Analog Dreams, Digital Realities: Beatsinner’s Textural Visions

At, we delve into the intricate intersections of sound and vision, celebrating producers who push the boundaries of creativity. For this one, we had the privilege of finding more about the sonic and visual landscapes crafted by Beatsinner, a 20-year-old music producer hailing from San Antonio, TX, and now creating out of El Paso, TX. Beatsinner’s sound is marked by innovation and a distinctive textured sound. Here’s a more in-depth look into the mind and work of this avant-garde producer.

1. Who’s Beatsinner? What has your life story been so far?

2. You’ve been publishing your sample packs by yourself so far, as well as creating all the visuals for those packs. Why did you decide to focus on doing this independently?

3. Do you have a strategy in mind of how you want to build yourself up going forward or are you just doing what you love and letting your art speak for itself?

4. Do you have any favorite VSTs, sound packs or production techniques you’d like to share with us? Anything special or exclusive that you feel can up a producer’s game instantly?

5. Given that the visual aspect of your sample packs is pretty striking, do you have any tips on how producers can create better artwork for their sample packs?

6. What’s next for Beatsinner? What are you focused on and what are your expectations for your art within the next 3 years?

Stay tuned to for more insights and stories from groundbreaking creators like Beatsinner. His journey is a testament to the power of individuality and the endless possibilities that come with embracing your true artistic self.

sample BEATSINNER’s catalog here.